File a complaint
Code of Conduct Complaint Resolution
Should you have a complaint pertaining to the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry, you can file a complaint by several means:
Phone: 1.844.762.3222
Mail: PayFacto Payments, 1 Place du Commerce Suite #402, Verdun, QC, H3E 1A2
Note that should Payfacto or Peoples Trust not provide sufficient resolution to your complaint you can choose to directly file a complaint with Interac with regards to Code of Conduct non-compliance.
To contact Peoples Trust:
Phone: 1.844.304.2083
Mail: 95 Wellington Street W, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5J 2N7
To contact Interac, please visit:
Please visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s website for more information on merchants rights under the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada and to determine which Policy Element applies to your complaint.
Submit a Complaint
When submitting a complaint, you shall provide a summary of your concerns with as much detail as possible, the date on which the issue occurred, names of the people you spoke to regarding this matter, and copies of any supporting documentation (i.e. agreements, statements).PayFacto will acknowledge the receipt of your complaint within five (5) business days and provide its final decision within twenty (20) working days. Such decision will include :
• The complaint summary
• The investigation results
• Explanation of the final decision
• Information on how to further escalate the complaint
Should we fail to provide a final decision within twenty (20) working days, we will inform you of the new expected response timeline.
Nothing restricts you from directly filing a complaint with the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) to investigate non-compliance with the Code. FCAC can be reached via:
• Phone : 1-866-461-3222
• Email :
• Mail : Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, 6th Floor, Enterprise Building, 427 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9
FCAC is not a dispute-resolution agency for consumers in their individual dealings with payment card network operators or acquirers.
Please note that the information being submitted may be shared with your PCNO, acquirer, processor or financial institution in order to assist us in answering your concerns.